Call for Posters

The MODELS 2019 posters track provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present, demonstrate, and discuss their most recent achievements, practical experiences, novel ideas, tools, and challenges related to model-based software and systems engineering. As premier conference in this area, MODELS provides an excellent environment for discussing recent results, receiving feedback and making new contacts within the model-based software and systems engineering community.

The goal of the poster track is to encourage and facilitate the exchange within the MODELS community, foster collaboration, and, therewith strengthen the community as a whole.


Posters are expected to stimulate discussions of recent advances, practical experiences, new ideas, tools, and challenges in the field of model-based software and systems engineering. We also welcome posters presenting early work, visions for the future, current initiatives, and work on modelling education. For a list of topics relevant to MODELS, we refer to the call for papers of the main conference track.

Poster Submissions

Since last year, we distinguish two types of poster submissions: stand-alone poster submissions and paper-accompanying poster submissions.

Stand-Alone Poster Submissions

Stand-alone poster submissions are poster submissions that present a novel contribution in the field of model-based software and systems engineering and are independent of any paper accepted at the MODELS 2019 main track or submitted to any of the MODELS 2019 satellite events.

Such submissions consist of two parts:

  1. An extended abstract of the presented contribution comprising the following contents:
    • Title
    • Author(s) and affiliation(s)
    • Motivation and goals
    • Background information if needed to understand the contribution
    • Adequate detail on the contribution
    • Related work
    • Links to additional information (e.g., project Website, source code repository, demo material, etc.)
  2. A draft of the actual poster comprising the contents given above for the extended abstracts.

The extended abstracts have to adhere to the IEEE formatting instructions and are restricted to two pages.

The posters have to be in A1 (594mm x 841mm) or A0 (841mm x 1189mm) portrait format. The article Research posters 101 by Lorrie Faith Cranor published in ACM Crossroads provides excellent tips on how to prepare successful posters.

Both, the extended abstract and the poster have to be written in English and submitted in PDF format.

Paper-Accompanying Poster Submissions

Paper-accompanying poster submissions are poster submissions that are directly related to a paper accepted at the MODELS 2019 main track or any of the MODELS 2019 satellite events. The aim of such poster submissions is to further disseminate the contribution presented in the respective paper, to receive additional feedback and further discuss the presented work.

This kind of poster submissions consist only of a draft of the poster to be presented at the MODELS poster track. An extended abstract is not required. The poster should contain the content given above for stand-alone poster submissions and follow the same format restrictions.

Submission Guidelines

All poster submissions have to be submitted electronically in PDF format at the MODELS 2019 Poster track submission page.

For stand-alone poster submissions, the extended abstract and the poster have to be submitted in individual PDF files.

For paper-accompanying poster submissions, the poster and the corresponding paper have to be submitted in individual PDF files.

For both types of submissions, a short abstract summarizing the contributions of the poster and at least three keywords have to be provided at the submission page.

Reviewing Process

The main evaluation criteria for stand-alone poster submissions are the quality of the proposed posters in terms of originality, relevance for the MODELS audience, technical soundness, and presentation quality. Each stand-alone poster submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the poster selection committee.

The main evaluation criterion for paper-accompanying poster submissions is presentation quality.


The extended abstracts of accepted stand-alone poster submissions will be published. The actual posters will not be published.

Accepted paper-accompanying poster submissions will not be published.

Poster Presentation

Accepted posters will be advertised in the conference program and displayed during the main conference. There will be a dedicated poster session at the conference welcome reception. At least one of the authors of each accepted poster must attend the poster session to present and discuss their work with attendees.

Important Dates

Standalone-Poster Submissions

  • June 24th, 2019: Registration of submission (title, author(s), abstract, and keywords are required)
  • June 28th, 2019: Full submission (including extended abstract and draft of poster)
  • July 29th, 2019: Notification
  • August 1st, 2019: Camera-ready deadline

Paper-Accompanying Poster Submissions

  • August 2nd, 2019: Registration of submission (title, author(s), abstract, and keywords are required)
  • August 9th, 2019: Full submission (draft of poster and the corresponding paper accepted at MODELS 2019 main track or satellite event)
  • August 19th, 2019: Notification

Selection Committee

  • Nicolas Hili, Queen’s University (Canada)
  • Djamel Eddine Khelladi, IRISA-INRIA (France)
  • Maria Spichkova, RMIT University (Australia)
  • Davide Di Ruscio, University of L’Aquila (Italy)
  • Gábor Bergmann, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)
  • Matthias Tichy, University of Ulm (Germany)
  • Thomas Degueule, CWI Amsterdam (Netherlands)
  • Alessandra Bagnato, Softeam (France)
  • Gerson Sunyé , Université de Nantes
  • Federico Ciccozzi, Mälardalen University
  • Martina Seidle, Johannes Kepler University Linz
  • Marianne Huchard, LIRMM, Université de Montpellier et CNRS
  • Markus Stumptner, University of South Australia
  • Silvia Abrahao, Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Antonio Garcia-Dominguez, Department of Computer Science, Aston University

Organizers and Contact Information

  • Mansooreh Zahedi (, University of Adelaide (Australia)
  • Erwan Bousse (, University of Nantes, France