Educators Symposium
Weiyi Bian, Omar Alam and Jörg Kienzle – Automated Grading of UML Class Diagrams
Shinpei Ogata and Mizue Kayama – A Method to Automatically Classify State Machine Models in Education for Grasping the Tendency
Daria Bogdanova and Monique Snoeck – Use of personalized feedback reports in a blended conceptual modelling course
10:30-11:00 coffee break
Rijul Saini, Gunter Mussbacher, Jin L.C. Guo and Joerg Kienzle – Teaching Modelling Literacy: An Artificial Intelligence Approach
Bernd Westphal – Teaching Software Modelling in an Undergraduate Introduction to Software Engineering
pitch-in 1: participants are invited to pitch an idea, or talk about an educational innovation, for up to 10 minutes, on a first-come-first-up basis.
12:30-14:00 lunch
Alfonso Pierantonio – The Model-Based Engineering Body of Knowledge (MBEBOK)
pitch-in 2: participants are invited to pitch an idea, or talk about an educational innovation, for up to 10 minutes, on a first-come-first-up basis.
15:30-16:00 coffee break
Huseyin Ergin, Isaac Walling, Kate Rader and Joshua Dobbs – A Study of Modeling Perception in a First-Time Modeling Class
Martin Gogolla and Antonio Vallecillo – An Idealistic Plan for Transforming Media Sources into Books, Slides and Videos
EduSymp 2019 Pitch-in flier
EduSymp is trying a new initiative this year. Any Models’19 participant is invited to come along to a “pitch-in session”, and talk about an idea or innovation related to the teaching of models, modelling and model-driven engineering. You do not need slides or a prepared talk.
Pitch-in sessions are on Tuesday, 1200-1230 and 1500-1530. There’s no lower limit on time, but no item can be more than 10 minutes. Just turn up at the EduSymp room for 1200 or 1500 and let Fiona Polack or Arend Rensink (co-chairs) know that you want to talk.